Fertility and Family Building
The World Health Organization and the American Medical Association recognize infertility as a disease that impacts one in six people. Many employers are moving toward a more comprehensive fertility and family building benefit that supports an increasingly diverse population, offers a holistic approach, delivers healthier and more productive employees, and helps retain talent. According to a 2023 Business Group on Health Survey, 75% of employers have introduced or expanded fertility and family building benefits or plan to do so in 2024.
Find out why.
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Obesity is an epidemic, impacting more than 4 out of 10 American adults nationwide, and is the most prevalent chronic condition in the U.S. As a metabolic disease with genetic, environmental and psychological factors, it is associated with poorer mental health outcomes and reduced quality of life. The economic burden for employers is significant and this toolkit offers tools and resources to help address this costly, multi-faceted chronic disease.
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Managing Specialty Drugs & Biopharma
Specialty drug spend represents 50% of employers’ total drug spend and is expected to trend up in the years ahead. Employers are in a difficult position. How do they weigh the higher costs of specialty drugs against the real potential for improved outcomes, increased productivity and enhanced quality of life for their covered populations? To make informed decisions, it's important to first understand the landscape, players, marketplace challenges and the role that specialty drugs will play now and in the future.
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Diabetes Management
in the Workplace
Each year over 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes. Even more alarming is the 88 million American adults with prediabetes – and eight out of 10 don’t know they have it. Without lifestyle change, many of these individuals will go on to develop type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is an enormous economic burden for employers – both in direct medical costs and dollars lost from reduced productivity due to illness and disability.
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By taking a closer look at specialty drug spend related to bleeding disorders, employers may uncover significant cost savings. The Pharmacy Benefit Management Institute (PBMI) recognized this toolkit with an Excellence Award and applauded MBGH for our efforts to provide employers with education, awareness and turn-key resources to help manage the high cost of hemophilia and improve the lives of those impacted by this rare but serious disease.
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Diabetes and Cardiovascular
More than 90% of American adults with diabetes are overweight or obese and most have other symptoms that increase their risk of cardiovascular disease. Considering many adults with type 2 diabetes spend their day at the workplace, there is an opportunity for employers to put aggressive risk factor management programs in place to effectively mitigate the high medical plan costs associated with diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
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